Article Library2024-04-04T12:54:48+11:00

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4 posts found

Floorworld, focus on Community

Flooring Magazine, Floorworld|

With decades of experience and 43 current locations across Australia, Floorworld members are naturally bound to their local communities. In addition to offering many of Australia’s leading flooring products, Floorworld commits to a generous School Sponsorship Program, and Pancare; a foundation devoted to supporting families, and funding cancer research. All [...]

Focus on Dunlop Flooring

Dunlop Flooring, Flooring Magazine|

Dunlop Flooring has been pioneering its way through Australia’s flooring industry since man landed on the moon. Over the last decade, the company has been through a transformational journey, having positioned themselves not only within underlay but the hard flooring category as well. Dunlop Flooring has seen a major trend [...]

Improve your business – prepare for a downturn

Flooring Magazine, RFMS|

The economic outlook is darkening, so now is the time to remind ourselves what we must be doing so we do more than just survive any slowdown that might be coming our way. If fewer customers come into our stores in the coming months, we want to convert a higher [...]

Improve your business – Integrate your business operations

Flooring Magazine, RFMS|

More than ever, flooring retailers are investing in improving their business management systems. As providers of IT systems and tools to the industry, we see three things driving this increased interest. Firstly, flooring businesses are being sold to people from outside the industry. In their previous business experience, these people [...]

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