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12 posts found

The rising cost of insurance, and what to do?

Flooring Magazine, Flooring Protect|

Greetings flooring business owners. As the year hots up, so has the cost of your next Business Insurance renewal. With widespread increases on business insurances in Australia and across the world, it’s important to consider ways you can reduce the price of your next insurance renewal. Allow me to share [...]

Four steps to defend against cyber risks

Flooring Magazine, Flooring Protect|

In the fast-paced world of flooring, where every business decision counts, protecting your company from cyber threats is critical. Flooring Protect Insurance Brokers offers you this helpful guide in four steps to defend against cyber risks.    Step 1: Learn about the cyber threat landscape  Flooring companies confront challenges like [...]

 Easy seam solution for net fit linoleum flooring Installation

Flooring Magazine, Forbo|

Brought to you by Forbo Flooring Systems Arriving soon Easy to use Marmoweld ETU for linoleum flooring installation Linoleum sheet joins often do not require heat welding. Accurately installed net fit seams present a clean and distinctive appearance with long-lasting quality. Unlike vinyl, well-cut linoleum joins will not shrink over [...]

Insuring your flooring business: Tales of triumph and resilience

Flooring Magazine, Flooring Protect|

Article by Nathan Ray, Flooring Protect Greetings, esteemed flooring industry enthusiasts, I'm Nathan Ray - Group Director of Flooring Protect, your dedicated insurance broker with a knack for demystifying the world of insurance.   With a wealth of experience under my belt, I've walked the insurance journey alongside countless businesses. [...]

How insurance brokers’ help

Flooring Magazine, Flooring Protect|

Insurance brokers assist individuals and businesses in finding and purchasing insurance policies by providing expert advice and assistance. They work with a variety of insurance companies and can compare coverage and prices to find their clients the best options. Brokers can also assist clients in understanding and navigating the often-complicated [...]

Meeting today’s sustainability requirements

Flooring Magazine, Forbo|

The world is transitioning towards a more sustainable future, and reducing emissions is the key focus of governments, corporations, and individuals globally. The building and construction sector accounts for almost 40% of all annual carbon emissions from the operation and construction phases. Embodied carbon or upfront carbon, is all the [...]

Every Component’s at Risk – Excessive Moisture and PH Level

Flooring Magazine, Oxtek|

Excessive moisture within concrete is the most common reason of flooring failures in modern day buildings. Almost all components of a floor covering installation would be deemed sensitive to excessive moisture in some shape or form. It’s not just the finished floor covering itself that will fail, moisture can impact the [...]

Truly adhesive free flooring – by Forbo

Flooring Magazine, Forbo|

The future of flooring installation has arrived and it’s fast and adhesive-free. Forbo’s family of Fast Flooring solutions are adhesive-free floor coverings, which are quick and easy to install whilst also being sustainable due to their reusable and/or recyclable nature. Quick turnaround with minimal disruption Floors can be walked on [...]

Permanent protection from moisture and bacteria

Flooring Magazine, Oxtek|

Aged Care Facilities More than ever, there is a real awareness and concern in relation to hygiene and potential contamination. This is not only critical for the protection and wellbeing of the residents, workers, and visitors, but for the long-term protection of the structure itself. When building these facilities, it [...]

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